JP Subscriber - Citation Checking | Open Law
JADE Professional

Automated Citation Checking

Automatically check your citations, creating links to cases and legislation by uploading your legal document or submission into your JADE Library.

Check the accuracy of your citations?

Quickly verify and correct your citations, creating links to cases and legislation using JADE's Document Upload tool.

Upload your legal document, such as a submission, into your My JADE library:

  • JADE automatically checks the citations in an uploaded document and links them to cases and legislation.
  • Where an error is identified, JADE helps you identify likely corrections.
  • Create tags and annotations, and export to share your uploaded document with embedded links.

You can also leverage JADE's other functionality with your uploaded document such as creating a full list of authorities, or finding similar cases with JADE's similarity tool.

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Lawyers are typically very time-poor, spend a lot of time conducting legal research, and most say they'd save hours every week if they could find legal material quickly and easily.

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